Source code for dspace

import hashlib
import urllib2
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pprint import pprint
import string
import unicodedata

[docs]class DSpace: """ Talk to DSpace! """ def __init__(self, public_key, private_key, rest_path): """ Class for interacting with the ASU Digital HPS Community Repository custom API. Parameters ---------- public_key : string private_key : string rest_path : string URL for RESTful API endpoint """ self.public_key = public_key self.private_key = private_key self.rest_path = rest_path
[docs] def get_digest(self, path): """ Produces an authentication digest based on resource path and your private key. Parameters ---------- path : string Relative URL of desired resource. E.g. '/items.xml' Returns ------- string : authentication digest for desired resource. """ m = hashlib.sha1('/rest' + path + private_key) return m.hexdigest()[0:8]
[docs] def get_path(self, path, idOnly=False): """ Produces a full path for the desired resource. Parameters ---------- path : string Relative URL of desired resource. E.g. '/items.xml' idOnly : boolean If True, the returned path will yield only id/reference information for the desired resource. Default is False. Returns ------- string : full URL of desired resource, including authentication information. """ digest = self.get_digest(resource, self.private_key) return self.rest_path + path + "?api_key=" + self.public_key + \ "&api_digest=" + digest + "&idOnly=" + str(idOnly).lower()
[docs] def get_element_from_resource(self, path, idOnly=False): """ Retrieves the desired resource from the DSpace API, and returns an ElementTree root node. Parameters ---------- path : string Relative URL of desired resource. E.g. '/items.xml' idOnly : boolean If True, will yield only id/reference information for the desired resource. Default is False. Returns ------- ElementTree node : containing API response. """ request_path = self.get_path(path, idOnly) response = urllib2.urlopen(request_path).read() return ET.fromstring(response)
[docs] def clean_text(self, s): """ Gets rid of garbage. Parameters ---------- s : string A messy string. Returns ------- string : A somewhat cleaner string. """ norm = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(s)) return norm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').rstrip().replace('\n','')
[docs] def dict_from_node(self, node, recursive=False): """ Converts ElementTree node to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- node : ElementTree node recursive : boolean If recursive=False, the value of any field with children will be the number of children. Returns ------- dict : nested dictionary. Tags as keys and values as values. Sub-elements that occur multiple times in an element are contained in a list. """ dict = {} for snode in node: if len(snode) > 0: if recursive: # Will drill down until len(snode) <= 0. value = self.dict_from_node(snode, True) else: value = len(snode) else: value = self.clean_text(snode.text) if snode.tag in dict.keys(): # If there are multiple subelements # with the same tag, then the value # of the element should be a list # rather than a dict. if type(dict[snode.tag]) is list: # If a list has already been # started, just append to # it. dict[snode.tag].append(value) else: dict[snode.tag] = [ dict[snode.tag], value ] else: dict[snode.tag] = value # Default behavior. return dict
[docs] def communities(self): """ Retrieves all of the communities to which the user has access. Returns ------- list : a list of nested dictionaries. """ root = self.get_element_from_resource('/communities.xml') C = [] for node in root: C.append(self.dict_from_node(node, True)) return C
[docs] def community(self, community): """ Retrieves details about a specific community, by id. Parameters ---------- community : string or int Community id. Returns ------- dict : a nested dictionary. """ path = '/communities/'+str(community)+'.xml' root = self.get_element_from_resource(path) return self.dict_from_node(root, True)
[docs] def list_collections(self, community): """ Retrieves details about the collections in a community. Parameters ---------- community : string or int Community id. Returns ------- list : a list of nested dictionaries. """ return['collections']['collectionentityid']
[docs] def list_collection_ids(self, community): """ Returns a list of collection IDs for a given community. Parameters ---------- community : string or int Community id. Returns ------- list : a list of collection ids. """ return [ c['id'] for c in self.collections(community) ]
[docs] def collection(self, collection): """ Retrieves details for a specific collection, by id. Parameters ---------- collection : string or int Collection id. Returns ------- dict: a nested dictionary. """ path = '/collections/'+str(collection)+'.xml' root = self.get_element_from_resource(path) return self.dict_from_node(root, True)
[docs] def list_items(self, collection): """ Retrieves details about all items in a collection. Parameters ---------- collection : string or int Collection id. Returns ------- list : a list of nested dictionaries. """ return self.collection(collectiond)['items']['itementity']
[docs] def list_item_ids(self, collection): """ Returns a list of item IDs for a given collection. Parameters ---------- collection : string or int Collection id. Returns ------- list : a list of item ids. """ return [ i['id'] for i in self.items(collection) ]
[docs] def item(self, item): """ Retrieve an item by id. Parameters ---------- item : string or int An item id. Returns ------- dict : a nested dictionary. """ path = '/items/' + str(item) + '.xml' root = self.get_element_from_resource(path) return self.dict_from_node(root, True)
[docs] def item_metadata(self, item): """ Returs metadata for an item as a simple dictionary, with dc fields as keys. Parameters ---------- item : string or int An item id. Returns ------- dict : metadata, with dc fields as keys. """ i = self.item(item) return { me['element'] + '.' + me['qualifier']:me['value'] for me \ in i['metadata']['metadataentity'] }
[docs] def all_collections(self): """ Retrieves details about all of the collections to which a user has access. Returns ------- list : a list of nested dictionaries. """ root = self.get_element_from_resource('/collections.xml') return [ self.dict_from_node(node) for node in root ]
[docs] def list_bitstream_ids(self, item): """ Returns a list of bitstream ids for an item. Parameters ---------- item : string or int An item id. Returns ------- list : a list of bitstream ids. """ i = self.item(item) if type(i['bitstreams']['bitstreamentity']) is dict: # One bitstream. return [ i['bitstreams']['bitstreamentity']['id'] ] else: return [ be['id'] for be in i['bitstreams']['bitstreamentity'] ]
[docs] def bitstream(self, bitstream): """ Returns information about a bitstream. Parameters ---------- item : string or int An item id. Returns ------- dict : a nested dictionary. """ path = '/bitstream/' + str(bitstream) + '.xml' root = self.get_element_from_resource() bitstreamentities = root.findall('.//bitstreamentity') for b in bitstreamentities: if self.dict_from_node(b)['id'] == str(bitstream): return self.dict_from_node(b, True)
[docs] def get_bitstream(self, bitstream, save_path=None): """ Downloads a bitstream and handles it. If save_path is provided, returns a file pointer. Otherwise returns the content of the bitstream. Parameters ---------- bitstream : string or int A bitstream id. save_path : string or None Full path where bitstream should be saved, including the filename. Returns ------- Contents of bitstream, or file pointer. Notes ----- WARNING: This has only been tested on bitstreams containing text data! TODO ---- More robust handling for different data types. """ rpath = self.get_path('/bitstream/' + str(bitstream)) r = urllib2.urlopen(rpath) data = if save_path is None: return data else: with open(save_path, 'w') as f: f.write(data) return f